Use German dictionary and language model with Sphinx4

You create them yourself. You can create language model from subtitles or wikipedia dumps. The documentation is here.

Latest German models are actually not on CMUSphinx page, they are at github/gooofy. In this gooofy project you can find dictionary documentation, models and related matherials.

I have tried the German model with pocketsphinx and got some errors due to the "invalid" language model *.lm.bin files were used. I have switched to the *.lm.gz and it working fine.

The proper configuration list is:

  • fst = voxforge-de.fst
  • hmm folder = model_parameters/voxforge.cd_cont_6000
  • dictionary = cmusphinx-voxforge-de.dic
  • language model = cmusphinx-voxforge-de.lm.gz

To get the "hmm" path you should unzip an archive: cmusphinx-de-voxforge-5.2.tar.gz

I think it should be the same for a Sphinx4, so please give it a try.