Use result for first query in second query with Apollo Client?

If you import compose like so:

import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo';

Then you can pass the props to the second query with this:

const LoginServerQuery = gql`
    query LoginServerQuery {
        loggedInUser {

const LocationsQuery = gql`
    query LocationsQuery($userId: ID) {
        User(id: $userId) {
            location {

export default compose(
    graphql(LoginServerQuery, { name: 'LoginServerQuery' }),
    graphql(LocationsQuery, {
        name: 'LocationsQuery',
        options: ownProps => ({
            variables: {

UPDATE - Actually this isn't working well. If Im on a different page, I refresh, then navigate to this page it errors. However If I then refresh when on this page it works fine.

UPDATE - I think it was a Graphcool issue. The other page that I was refreshing on was also returning the User. I needed to return the ID for the User in both React components, otherwise the caching got confused. After adding the ID field it now works.