Use strsplit to get last character in r
For your strsplit
method to work, you can use tail
with sapply
df$LastInit <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$Name), ""), tail, 1)
# Name Sex LastInit
# 1 Anna F a
# 2 Michael M l
# 3 David M d
# 4 Sarah F h
Alternatively, you can use substring
with(df, substring(Name, nchar(Name)))
# [1] "a" "l" "d" "h"
Try this function from stringi
x <- c("Ala", "Sarah","Meg")
stri_sub(x, from = -1, to = -1)
This function extracts substrings between from and to index. If indexes are negative, then it counts characters from the end of a string. So if from=-1
and to=-1
it means that we want substring from last to last character :)
Why use stringi
? Just look at this benchmarks :)
x <- sample(x,1000,T)
microbenchmark(stri_sub(x,-1), str_extract(x, "[a-z]{1}$"), gsub(".*(.)$", "\\1", x),
sapply(strsplit(as.character(x), ""), tail, 1), substring(x, nchar(x)))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
stri_sub(x, -1) 56.378 63.4295 80.6325 85.4170 139.158 100
str_extract(x, "[a-z]{1}$") 718.579 764.4660 821.6320 863.5485 1128.715 100
gsub(".*(.)$", "\\\\1", x) 478.676 493.4250 509.9275 533.8135 673.233 100
sapply(strsplit(as.character(x), ""), tail, 1) 12165.470 13188.6430 14215.1970 14771.4800 21723.832 100
substring(x, nchar(x)) 133.857 135.9355 141.2770 147.1830 283.153 100
Here is another option using data.table (for relatively clean syntax) and stringr (easier grammar).
library(data.table); library(stringr)
df = read.table(text="Name Sex
Anna F
Michael M
David M
Sarah F", header=T)
setDT(df) # convert to data.table
df[, "Last Initial" := str_extract(Name, "[a-z]{1}$") ][]
Name Sex Last Initial
1: Anna F a
2: Michael M l
3: David M d
4: Sarah F h