Use "true" or "1" for boolean querystring params
I do prefer "1/0", because it doesn't fall under localization requirements.
bool isTrue = Request.QueryString["value"] == "1";
It may be worth mentioning that when using ASP.NET Core and binding via [FromQuery] you are forced to use boolean values as arguments.
public Task<NoContentResult> FooAction([FromQuery(Name = "bar")] bool isBar) { /*...*/ }
This will work:
GET /api/foo?bar=true
Passing an integer will result in an invalid ModelState
returned by ASP.NET Core's ModelBinder
GET /api/foo?bar=1
You don't have to use either. A query string parameter does not have to have a value. You could just have a uri like this:
and then in your code:
if(Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("SortById")) ...