Using C# 7.1 with MSBuild

Nuget packages

  • Microsoft.Net.Compilers nuget package does not work and needn't to be installed.

Set the following project/build settings

  • Set at least C# 7.1 or higher in the Debug and Release build properties. (via: Project menu > [ProjectName] Properties > Build tab > [Advanced] button > Language Version).

  • Setting it to latest does not work.


Also make sure that you are running the latest MSBuild version.

Add a reference to the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package (version 2.3.x, to get C# 7.1).

A short description of the package:


This package not only includes the C# and Visual Basic compilers, it also modifies MSBuild targets so that the included compiler versions are used rather than any system-installed versions. Once installed, this package requires Microsoft Build Tools 2015.

Make sure you have changed for "All Configuration" and not just "Debug"

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else you will be baffling why it is failing at production.