Using emplace with algorithms such as std::fill

It's common to use tuples to ease the pass a variadic number of items (in this case, parameters to forward to emplace_back), with a little technique to unpack the tuple back. As such it is possible to write a back_emplacer utility by requiring the user to make use of the tuple factory functions (one of std::make_tuple, std::tie, std::forward_as_tuple) where it make sense:

#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>

// Reusable utilites

template<typename T>
using RemoveReference = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using Bare = typename std::remove_cv<RemoveReference<T>>::type;

template<typename Out, typename In>
using WithValueCategoryOf = typename std::conditional<
    ,  typename std::add_lvalue_reference<Out>::type
    , typename std::conditional<
        , typename std::add_rvalue_reference<Out>::type
        , Out

template<int N, typename Tuple>
using TupleElement = WithValueCategoryOf<
    typename std::tuple_element<N, RemoveReference<Tuple>>::type
    , Tuple

// Utilities to unpack a tuple
template<int... N>
struct indices {
    using next = indices<N..., sizeof...(N)>;

template<int N>
struct build_indices {
    using type = typename build_indices<N - 1>::type::next;
struct build_indices<0> {
    using type = indices<>;

template<typename Tuple>
typename build_indices<std::tuple_size<Bare<Tuple>>::value>::type
make_indices() { return {}; }

template<typename Container>
class back_emplace_iterator {
    explicit back_emplace_iterator(Container& container)
        : container(&container)

        typename Tuple
        // It's important that a member like operator= be constrained
        // in this case the constraint is delegated to emplace,
        // where it can more easily be expressed (by expanding the tuple)   
        , typename = decltype( emplace(std::declval<Tuple>(), make_indices<Tuple>()) )
    back_emplace_iterator& operator=(Tuple&& tuple)
        emplace(*container, std::forward<Tuple>(tuple), make_indices<Tuple>());

        return *this;

        typename Tuple
        , int... Indices  
        , typename std::enable_if<
                typename Container::value_type
                , TupleElement<Indices, Tuple>...
            , int
    void emplace(Tuple&& tuple, indices<Indices...>)
        using std::get;

    // Mimic interface of std::back_insert_iterator
    back_emplace_iterator& operator*() { return *this; }
    back_emplace_iterator& operator++() { return *this; }
    back_emplace_iterator operator++(int) { return *this; }

    Container* container;  

template<typename Container>
back_emplace_iterator<Container> back_emplacer(Container& c)
{ return back_emplace_iterator<Container> { c }; }

A demonstration of the code is available. In your case you'd want to call std::fill_n(back_emplacer(v), 10, std::forward_as_tuple(1, 1.0)); (std::make_tuple is also acceptable). You'd also want the usual iterator stuff to make the feature complete -- I recommend Boost.Iterators for that.

I must really stress however that such a utility doesn't bring much when used with std::fill_n. In your case it would save the construction of the temporary Foo, in favour of a tuple of references (a tuple of values if you were to use std::make_tuple). I leave it to the reader to find some other algorithm where back_emplacer would be useful.

You are right that there is no back_emplacer in the standard. You could perfectly write one yourself, but what for ?

When you call emplace_back, you have to provide the arguments for the constructor (any constructor): vec.emplace_back(1, 2) for example. However, you cannot arbitrarily pass tuples of arguments in C++, so the back_emplacer would be limited to unary constructor.

In the case of fill_n, you provide an argument that will be copied, and then both back_inserter and back_emplacer would call the same copy constructor with the same argument.

Note that there is the generate and generate_n algorithms to build new elements. But likewise any temporary copy will probably be elided.

Therefore I think the need for a back_emplacer is rather light, mostly because of the language non-support of multiple return values.


If you look at the comments below you will realize that using a combination std::forward_as_tuple and std::is_constructible it could be possible to write a back_emplacer mechanism. Thanks to Luc Danton for the breakthrough.

class Foo {
  Foo(int i, double d) : i_(i), d_(d) {}

std::vector<Foo> v;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(v), 10, [&]()->Foo{ return {1, 1.0}; });

RVO allows the return value of a function to be elided directly into where it is going to be stored.

While logically a temporary is created, in actual fact no temporary is created. And you have access to all variables in the surrounding scope to decide how to create the element, not just constants, if you want them.