Using "◌" in Latex - "Unicode char \u8:Γùî not set up for use with LaTeX"

As suggested in the comments, you could set your font to one that supports Unicode (this solution requires XeLaTeX):



\setmainfont{Arial Unicode MS} % Other fonts that might work: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro, Lao Sangam MN, Inaimathi, Microsoft Sans Serif


\noindent a b c \\
◌ \\
ä ë \\
à è \\


You can prepare the following file dottedcircle.tex

\setmainfont{Charis SIL}

and compile it with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. Choose a font you have on your system and has the glyph.

Then you can use the PDF in your pdflatex documents with this strategy:


a b c ◌ ä ë

enter image description here

If you have the Stix fonts installed, you can use them:


\DeclareFontFamily{LS1}{stixscr}{\skewchar\font127 }
\DeclareFontShape{LS1}{stixscr}{m}{n} {<->s*[.7] stix-mathscr}{}


a b c ◌ ä ë

enter image description here

This uses the stackengine package to construct the glyph from \circ.

x\dottedcirc y

enter image description here

I EDITED the solution when I found that a lower-case o immediately preceding the \dottedcirc was slightly overlapped. Here I use two slightly overlapped n-dashes (--) in lieu of a minus sign ($-$) for the horizontal whiteout stroke.

If you substitute red for white, you can see how the stack is formed:

enter image description here

Based on comment from OP, I cannot easily make the dashed circle dotted in the sense of using small circles around the perimeter. However, I can subdivide the sircle more frequently with smaller dashes, giving a similar appearance:

x\dottedcirc y

enter image description here

which, blown up, is

enter image description here

Look for V3.21 of stackengine to be propagated in the coming days, to fix a bug associated with \stackinset, when using l or r horizontal justification.