Using liquibase file paths via both maven and spring

I think if you change your Maven path from




and update db.changelog-master.xml file for all included files to use path relative to src/main/resources directory, it will fix the problem.

I solved this problem by using the same path to changeLog files in Spring, maven and integration test which call Liquibase. All my changelog files are located under /src/main/resources/db directory in one of the Maven modules within a project.

Maven profile which runs Liquibase, notice path: db/masterChangeLog.xml


                            <id>*** Install a last major release version of db ***</id>
                                <contexts>dbBuildContext, dmlDevContext</contexts>

db/masterChangeLog.xml file includes these files:

<include file="db/install.xml"/>
<include file="db/update.xml"/>

db/install.xml file includes other changelog files (so does update.xml):

<includeAll path="db/install/seq"/>
<includeAll path="db/install/tab"/>
<includeAll path="db/install/cst"/>
<includeAll path="db/latest/vw"  />

Spring context executes the same set of db scripts upon app startup as follows:

<bean id="liquibase" class="liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibase">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="baseCostManagementDataSource" />
    <property name="changeLog" value="classpath:db/masterChangelog.xml" />
    <property name="contexts" value="dbBuildContext, dmlDevContext" />

I commented on Igor's answer, his solution does not seem to work.

In order to solve this, I just pushed a patch to Liquibase: This should be merged in 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT and therefore shortly available in 3.0.6.

With this change, you can now configure SpringLiquibase with this additional line:

<property name="ignoringClasspathPrefix" value="true" />

Another example/usecase requiring this change can be found here: