Using perl system() query with spaces in path variable

Running a local shell and using it to escape your command to be safe for the remote shell would look like this:

system('env', "ssh_addr=$ssh_addr", "remote_dir=$remote_dir", 'bash', '-c',
       'printf -v remote_cmd "%q " ls -- "$remote_dir"; ssh "$ssh_addr" "$remote_cmd"');

Unlike just using "'$remote_cmd'", the above works with all possible values, including intentionally malicious ones, so long as your remote shell is also bash.

Thanks to @ikegami's answer for demonstrating the use of the end-of-options sigil -- to ensure that even a remote_dir value that starts with dashes is parsed as a positional argument by ls

String::ShellQuote's shell_quote is useful in building shell commands.

my $remote_cmd = shell_quote("ls", "--", $remote_dir);
my $local_cmd = shell_quote("ssh", "-i", "id_pub", $ssh_addr, $remote_cmd);

Of course, you can avoid the shell on the local side as follows:

use String::ShellQuote qw( shell_quote );

my $remote_cmd = shell_quote("ls", "--", $remote_dir);
system("ssh", "-i", "id_pub", $ssh_addr, $remote_cmd);

OK you have several possibilities for shell expansion with the way you are doing this.

Firstly is using system() with a string. This will break all your paths on the space characters. you can solve this by using system as a list

system('ssh', '-i', 'id_pub', $ssh_addr, 'ls', $remote_dir)

Now we still have a problem as ssh will run the remote code on the remote server in a shell with shell expansion which will break the path on spaces again

So you need to put $remote_dir inside ' characters to stop the remote shell from breaking up the path: giving

system('ssh', '-i', 'id_pub', $ssh_addr, 'ls', "'$remote_dir'")

Hope this helps/works

Note that as the commenters below have said this makes the assumption that $remote_dir has no ' characters in it. You need to be either escaping or parsing $remote_dir to ensure that you don't get a path that looks like /file.txt'; rm -rf / # which will attempt to remove every file on the remote system


