Using redux-saga with setInterval - how and when to yield

const anotherSaga = function * () {
  const runner = yield call(setInterval, () => {
  }, 1000);

This works pretty fine for me. In your second snippet there is a double ) at the end where should be only one.

There is a section in the saga-redux docs called "Using the eventChannel factory to connect to external events", that suggests using channels.

This section is also providing an example for a setInterval implementation:

import { eventChannel, END } from 'redux-saga'

function countdown(secs) {
  return eventChannel(emitter => {
      const iv = setInterval(() => {
        secs -= 1
        if (secs > 0) {
        } else {
          // this causes the channel to close
      }, 1000);
      // The subscriber must return an unsubscribe function
      return () => {

You would then use yield call and yield takeEvery to set it up:

const channel = yield call(countdown, 10);
yield takeEvery(channel, function* (secs) {
    // Do your magic..