Using streams to collect into TreeSet with custom comparator

Method references can be used when you have a method (or constructor) that fits the shape of the target you're trying to satisfy. You can't use a method reference in this case because the shape you're targeting is a Supplier, which takes no arguments, but what you have is a TreeSet constructor, which does take an argument, and you need to specify what that argument is. So you have to take the less concise approach and use a lambda expression:

TreeSet<Report> toTreeSet(Collection<Report> reports, long timestamp) {
    return -> report.timestamp() >= timestamp).collect(
            () -> new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingLong(Report::timestamp))

This is easy just use next code:

    positionReports = positionReports
        .filter(p -> p.timestamp >= oldestKept)
            Collectors.toCollection(()->new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingLong(PositionReport::getTimestamp)

You can just convert into a SortedSet at the end (provided that you don't mind the additional copy).

positionReports = positionReports
                .filter(p -> p.getTimeStamp() >= oldestKept)

return new TreeSet(positionReports);

There is a method on Collection for this without having to use streams: default boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter). See Javadoc.

So your code could just look like this:

positionReports.removeIf(p -> p.timestamp < oldestKept);