Using tables to typeset proof - how to align equal signs?

Do it simpler.

\usepackage{mathtools}   % loads »amsmath«

  We want to show that $-2=2$.
      -2 &= 2 && \smash{\Big|}\text{ assuming the conclusion} \\
      (-2)^2 &= 2^2 && \smash{\Big|}\text{ square both sides} \\
      4 &= 4 && \smash{\Big|}\text{ as desired}

We want to show that $-2 = 2$.

-2     &= 2   & \text{ assuming the conclusion}\\
(-2)^2 &= 2^2 & \text{ square both sides} \\
4      &= 4   & \text{ as desired}


  • You could use further columns to align also the equal signs. For example, you could use a r column followed by a c column for the relation sign which is followed by a l column.

  • The array package allows to insert commands into the table column definition. For example, to get a right aligned math column, use >{$}r<{$}.

  • If all formulas are equations, you could eben specify the equal sign as the column separator: \begin{tabular}{>{$}r<{$}@{\,=\,}>{$}l<{$}|l}.


