Using `\textbf{}` to make also math bold in sentence
You might update the definition of \bfseries
to also issue \boldmath
However I recommend using \emph
for emphasis.
Never leave a blank line before an equation
or other math display environment. Use ties, as I show in the second example.
\boldmath % <-- added
\section{Bad typesetting}
Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space. For any $x \in M$ and $r > 0$, the
\textbf{open ball of radius $r$ around $x$} is the set
B_r(x) := \{y \in M : d(y,x) < r\}.
\section{Good typesetting}
Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space. For any $x \in M$ and $r > 0$, the
\emph{open ball of radius~$r$ around~$x$} is the set
B_r(x) := \{y \in M : d(y,x) < r\}.
Why is it bad using boldface type? Because it's too heavy. Why is it worse to embolden math? Because math symbols have a meaning that also depends on their typographic nature: to a mathematician, a boldface italic ‘r’ is not the same as a medium italic ‘r’.
Update \textbf
to also execute \boldmath
\renewcommand{\textbf}[1]{\oldtextbf{\boldmath #1}}
Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space. For any $x \in M$ and $r > 0$, the \textbf{open ball of radius~$r$ around~$x$} is the set
B_r(x) \vcentcolon= \{y \in M \mid d(y,x) < r\}.
For some this may change the notation, since there could be a different interpretation of r and r, for example.
A wiser choice for the redefinition of \textbf
\DeclareRobustCommand{\textbf}[1]{\oldtextbf{\boldmath #1}}