Validate a filename in python

now there is a full library to validate strings: check it out:

from pathvalidate import sanitize_filepath

fpath = "fi:l*e/p\"a?t>h|.t<xt"
print("{} -> {}".format(fpath, sanitize_filepath(fpath)))

fpath = "\0_a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt"
print("{} -> {}".format(fpath, sanitize_filepath(fpath)))


fi:l*e/p"a?t>h|.t<xt -> file/path.txt
_a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt -> _abcde%f/(g)h+i_0.txt

Armin Ronacher has a blog post on this subject (and others).

These ideas are implemented as the safe_join() function in Flask:

def safe_join(directory, filename):
    """Safely join `directory` and `filename`.
    Example usage::
        def wiki_page(filename):
            filename = safe_join(app.config['WIKI_FOLDER'], filename)
            with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
                content = # Read and process the file content...
    :param directory: the base directory.
    :param filename: the untrusted filename relative to that directory.
    :raises: :class:`~werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound` if the resulting path
             would fall out of `directory`.
    filename = posixpath.normpath(filename)
    for sep in _os_alt_seps:
        if sep in filename:
            raise NotFound()
    if os.path.isabs(filename) or filename.startswith('../'):
        raise NotFound()
    return os.path.join(directory, filename)

You can enforce the user to create a file/directory inside wiki by normalizing the path with os.path.normpath and then checking if the path begins with say '(path-to-wiki)'


To ensure that the user's entered path/filename doesn't contain anything nasty, you can force the user to enter a path or filename to either of Lower/Upper Alpha, Numeric Digits or may be hyphen or underscore.

Then you can always check the normalized filename using a similar regular expression


To summarize

if userpath=os.path.normpath('(path-to-wiki)/foo/bar.txt') then

if not os.path.normpath('(path-to-wiki)/foo/bar.txt').startswith('(path-to-wiki)')  
  ... Do what ever you want with an invalid path