Validating css color names

You could simply set the color to a dummy element and then check if the element's value is something other than white.

colorToTest = 'lime'; // 'lightgray' does not work for IE

$('#dummy').css('backgroundColor', 'white');
$('#dummy').css('backgroundColor', colorToTest);
if ($('#dummy').css('backgroundColor') != 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' || colorToTest == 'white') {
    alert(colorToTest+' is valid');

I know this question is fairly old but I came up with a pure javascript solution for checking colors which seems to work in every browser and wanted to share it

This function uses the browser to convert any input string into a CSS color string (if possible)

function getColorCSS(c) {
    const ele = document.createElement("div"); = c;

UPDATE: The beauty of using the browser itself to render color strings is that it continues to work with newer formats like 8 digit hex (where the last 2 digits represent alpha)...

eight digit hex example

Let's take a look at the function output based on different inputs...


Basically anytime the browser can't figure out how to render the input string as a color an empty string is returned which makes this tiny function perfect for detecting invalid color strings!

  • redd, #f0gf0g, #1234, f00, rgb(1,2), rgb(1,2,3.0), rgb(1,2,3,4), rgba(100,150,200)

    • . . . chrome
    • . . . firefox
    • . . . internet explorer



  • tomato

    • tomato . . . chrome
    • tomato . . . firefox
    • tomato . . . internet explorer


  • #f00, #ff0000, rgb(255,0,0)

    • rgb(255,0,0) . . . chrome
    • rgb(255,0,0) . . . firefox
    • rgb(255,0,0) . . . internet explorer


  • rgba(255,0,0,1.0), rgba(255,0,0,100)

    • rgb(255,0,0) . . . chrome converts rgba to rgb anytime alpha is 1.0 or greater since it's fully opaque anyway (probably for performance)
    • rgb(255,0,0) . . . firefox does the same thing as chrome
    • rgba(255,0,0,1) . . . internet explorer converts the alpha param from 1.0 or greater to 1


  • rgba(0,255,0,0.5)

    • rgba(0,255,0,0.498039) . . . chrome returns something different than the other browsers (possibly trading accuracy for performance)
    • rgba(0,255,0,0.5) . . . firefox
    • rgba(0,255,0,0.5) . . . internet explorer


  • rgba(0,0,255,0.0), rgba(0,0,255,-100)

    • rgba(0,0,255,0) . . . chrome converts the alpha param from 0.0 or lower to 0
    • rgba(0,0,255,0) . . . firefox does the same
    • rgba(0,0,255,0) . . . internet explorer does the same


  • rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,-100)

    • rgba(0,0,0,0) . . . chrome
    • transparent . . . firefox converts only this one rgba instance with all parameters set to 0 to the word transparent (strange)
    • rgba(0,0,0,0) . . . internet explorer


  • hsl(180,50%,50%)

    • rgb(63,191,191) . . . chrome
    • ff rgb(63,191,191) . . . firefox
    • ie hsl(180,50%,50%) . . . internet explorer


  • hsl(x,x,0%)

    • rgb(0,0,0) . . . chrome
    • rgb(0,0,0) . . . firefox
    • hsl(0,0%,0%) . . . internet explorer converts any hsl representation of black to this


  • hsl(x,x,100%)

    • rgb(255,255,255) . . . chrome
    • rgb(255,255,255) . . . firefox
    • hsl(0,0%,100%) . . . internet explorer converts any hsl representation of white to this


  • hsla(180,50%,50%,1.0), hsla(180,50%,50%,100)

    • rgba(63,191,191,1) . . . chrome
    • rgba(63,191,191,1) . . . firefox
    • hsla(180,50%,50%,1) . . . internet explorer


  • hsla(180,50%,50%,0.5)

    • rgba(63,191,191,0.498039) . . . chrome
    • rgba(63,191,191,0.5) . . . firefox
    • hsla(180,50%,50%,0.5) . . . internet explorer


  • hsla(0,0%,0%,0.0), hsla(0,0%,0%,-100)

    • rgba(0,0,0,0) . . . chrome
    • transparent . . . firefox is consistent but this conversion still seems strange
    • hsla(180,50%,50%,0) . . . internet explorer

Wow, I can hardly believe I just spent 2 hours testing that function in different browsers!

I guess I may as well demo using the function while I'm at it...

function getColorCSS(c) {
    var ele = document.createElement("div"); = c;

function isColorValid(c) {
    var s = getColorCSS(c);
    return (s) ? true : false;

function isColorTransparent(c) {
    var s = getColorCSS(c);
    return (
        s === "transparent" || 
        s.substring(0,4) === "rgba" && +s.replace(/^.*,(.+)\)/,'$1') <= 0 ||
        s.substring(0,4) === "hsla" && +s.replace(/^.*,(.+)\)/,'$1') <= 0

function isColorWhite(c) {
    var s = getColorCSS(c);
    return [
    ].indexOf(s) > -1;

function isColorBlack(c) {
    var s = getColorCSS(c);
    return [
    ].indexOf(s) > -1;

function checkColorString() {
  var c = document.getElementById("c").value;
  if (c === "") {
    document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '';
  else if (isColorValid(c)) {
    if (isColorTransparent(c)) {
      document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '<span style="color:#dadada;">TRANSPARENT</span>';
    else if (isColorWhite(c)) {
      document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = getColorCSS(c);
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '<span style="color:black;">WHITE</span>';
    else if (isColorBlack(c)) {
      document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = getColorCSS(c);
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '<span style="color:white;">BLACK</span>';
    else {
      document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = getColorCSS(c);
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = getColorCSS(c);
  else {
    document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:42px;color:#dadada;">&#9785</span>';

var eventList = ["change", "keyup", "paste", "input", "propertychange"];
for(event of eventList) {
    document.getElementById("c").addEventListener(event, function() {
#c {
  width: 300px;
  padding: 6px;
  font-family: courier;

#result {
  font-family: courier;
  font-size: 24px;
  padding: 12px 6px;
<input id="c" placeholder="Enter any valid CSS color..."></input>
<div id="result"></div>

All of the solutions posted on this page are incorrect when the string in question is the same colour as the test colour. Granted, you could use a very unlikely choice of colour, but I would prefer to go for 100% success rate.

OP has a single typo in his code (see condition with colon), and does not test for "#28e32a", so that colour will fail, and the regex will collapse whitespace within the colour, so "#28e 32a" would (incorrectly) pass.

In normal JavaScript, this should have 100% success:

function validTextColour(stringToTest) {
    //Alter the following conditions according to your need.
    if (stringToTest === "") { return false; }
    if (stringToTest === "inherit") { return false; }
    if (stringToTest === "transparent") { return false; }

    var image = document.createElement("img"); = "rgb(0, 0, 0)"; = stringToTest;
    if ( !== "rgb(0, 0, 0)") { return true; } = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"; = stringToTest;
    return !== "rgb(255, 255, 255)";
