Venn Diagrams and Patterns

Something like this (it's just a rough proposition):

%   \fillA
\begin{tikzpicture}[red,every node/.style={font=\Large}]
    \draw[pattern=north west lines] (0,0) circle(1.5);
    \draw (2,0) circle(1.5);
        \node[fill=white,inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,below=3] at (90:1.5) {$A$};
        \node[xshift=2cm,below=3] at (90:1.5) {$B$};

The output:


EDIT: Here is a proposal with horizontal lines (manually pattern drawn – just for fun):

%   \fillA
\begin{tikzpicture}[red,every node/.style={font=\Large}]
    \clip (0,0) circle(1.5);
    \foreach \x in {-5,-4.95,...,6}
        \draw[black,yshift=\x cm] (-5,\x) -- (5,\x);
    \draw (2,0) circle(1.5);
    \draw (0,0) circle(1.5);
        \node[fill=white,inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,below=3] at (90:1.5) {$A$};
        \node[xshift=2cm,below=3] at (90:1.5) {$B$};

Here is the output:


I agree with marmot's comment that the best option is to make the package more flexible (my suggestion would be to replace fill=\@venn@shade with something like every venn region/.try). In the meantime, here's a fix that uses a scope to add extra options to the path.

\begin{scope}[every path/.append style={pattern=north east lines}]


The shade={} is important. It enables filling (since shade=<colour> becomes fill=<colour> in the code) but doesn't specify a colour. The point here is that the every path style is examined first so putting shade=<actual colour> would override the pattern, while shade=none would disable it. Only shade={} enables the pattern without overwriting it.

patterned venn diagram

Update 2018-08-22

Dealing with intersection regions turns out to be a bit tricky due to how clipping works. The following is definitely in the region of a bit of a hack, but it does seem to work. It appends some code to the clip command which removes the options and turns off any other options. I think this deals with everything that can go bad with passing options to a clipping path.

I've also add a helper command that wraps a venn diagram command in a scope so that this technique works.


  \expandafter\newcommand\csname o#1\endcsname[1][]{%
    \csname #1\endcsname


  clip/.append code={%

%\ofillA[every path/.append style={pattern=north east lines}]
\ofillACapB[every path/.append style={pattern=north east lines}]
