Verify the birth number

JavaScript (ES2016), 275 259 255 254 252 Bytes




for (let args of [
    ["M", "01010099931"], // true
    ["F", "01029042620"], // true
    ["M", "0101009841"],  // false
    ["F", "01010051866"], // true
    ["F", "08021690849"], // true
    ["M", "01029040105"], // true
    ["M", "01029037473"]  // false
]) {


let f = (g, input) => {

    /* Sanitize input, destructure arguments via RegExp */
    let [, d, m, y, i, k] = /(..)(..)(..)(...)(..)/.exec(input.padRight(12));

    /* Validate gender and year */
    let violation = g.charCodeAt() % 2 != i % 2 | y <= 39 & i < 500;

    let n = [..."376189452543276543"];
    /* This function computes k1 if given no arguments, k2 if given one argument */
    let s = k => 11 - ([...input].slice(0, -2).map((e, i) => e * n[i + !k | 9]).reduce((a, b) => a + b) + 2 * k) % 11;

    /* Validate the control numbers k */
    [s(0), s(s(0))].map((s, i) => violation &= k[i] != s);

    return !violation;

Python 3, 227 221 bytes

Function that takes two arguments, the gender 'm', and the birthnumber 'n', both as strings. There may be some more golfing to be done, especially in the last line. I'll keep working on it.

def a(m,n):
 for i in n[:9]:z+=o[b]*i;y+=t[b]*i;b+=1
 print((q-z%q)%q==n[9] and (q-(y-z-z)%q)%q==n[-1] and len(n)<12 and ord(m)%2==n[8]%2)