View list of embedded fonts in PDF file with Preview
Run either command from the terminal or command-line.
strings /path/to/document.pdf | grep -i FontName
Note: MacOS might require you to install the command-line tools first.
findstr FontName C:\path\to\document.pdf
You can also use pdffonts
, which can be installed with brew install poppler
or brew install xpdf
$ pdffonts file.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
GFEDCB+MyriadSet-Medium CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 304 0
GFEDCB+MyriadSet-Bold CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 310 0
GFEDCB+MyriadSet-MediumItalic CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 659 0
GFEDCB+Menlo-Regular CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 664 0
ZapfDingbats Type 1 Custom no no yes 665 0
ZapfDingbats Type 1 Custom no no yes 666 0