VIM Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File

And for vim 7.4+ you can use (preferably on your .vimrc) (thanks to 罗泽轩 for that last bit of news!):

:set nofixendofline

Now regarding older versions of vim.

Even if the file was already saved with new lines at the end:

vim -b file and once in vim:

:set noeol


alternatively you can open files in vim with :e ++bin file

Yet another alternative:

:set binary
:set noeol

see more details at Why do I need vim in binary mode for 'noeol' to work?

Add the following command to your .vimrc to turn of the end-of-line option:

autocmd FileType php setlocal noeol binary fileformat=dos

However, PHP itself will ignore that last end-of-line - it shouldn't be an issue. I am almost certain that in your case there is something else which is adding the last newline character, or possibly there is a mixup with windows/unix line ending types (\n or \r\n, etc).


An alternative solution might be to just add this line to your .vimrc:

set fileformats+=dos

There is another way to approach this if you are using Git for source control. Inspired by an answer here, I wrote my own filter for use in a gitattributes file.

To install this filter, save it as noeol_filter somewhere in your $PATH, make it executable, and run the following commands:

git config --global filter.noeol.clean noeol_filter
git config --global filter.noeol.smudge cat

To start using the filter only for yourself, put the following line in your $GIT_DIR/info/attributes:

*.php filter=noeol

This will make sure you do not commit any newline at eof in a .php file, no matter what Vim does.

And now, the script itself:


# a filter that strips newline from last line of its stdin
# if the last line is empty, leave it as-is, to make the operation idempotent
# inspired by:

import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
        pline =
    except StopIteration:
        # no input, nothing to do

    # spit out all but the last line
    for line in sys.stdin:
        pline = line

    # strip newline from last line before spitting it out
    if len(pline) > 2 and pline.endswith("\r\n"):
    elif len(pline) > 1 and pline.endswith("\n"):