Vim: How do you efficiently search for text?
Press "n" after you completed a search, then it will repeat the previous action(search).
If the string you search is under the cursor, then you can type * to search for it forward, or # to search for it backwards.
How I usually search is something like;
- Press '/'
- Enter Search Term
- Press Enter
- Use 'n' and 'N' to navigate forward and backwards within the search.
Vim keeps a history of your searches, so if you need previous searches you can press '/' and use the UP and DOWN keys or <Ctrl-P> <Ctrl-N> to browse the search history.
You can also use '?' instead of '/' to search backwards.
I also like to use:
set ignorecase smartcase
Now it will only be a case sensitive search if you have uppercase characters in the search string.