Virtual Hosts XAMPP [Linux Ubuntu] not working
Step 1: Edit apache configuration
sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
and find below the line and uncomment (remove #) and save
Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Step 2: Edit vhost configuration to Add Virtual Host
sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
and add below code with your DocumentRoot (/opt/lampp/htdocs/example) and ServerName (URL)(example.local)
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/example"
ServerName "example.local"
ErrorLog "logs/example.local-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/example.local-access_log" common
Step 3: Edit host file to add your URL (example.local)
sudo nano /etc/hosts
and add this line to the bottom with your URL (example.local) and save example.local
Step 4: Restart server
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
The virtual hosts conf by defualt is disabled in httpd.conf, in order to allow virtual hosts
in XAMPP under Ubuntu you have to uncomment line 480
in httpd.conf
MAINSTEP: Uncomment line 480
as below:
479. # Virtual hosts
480. Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
The httpd.conf
file is located under /opt/lampp/etc
, to modify it just follow these steps:
1. run sudo gedit /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
2. apply MAINSTEP