Visual Studio Code Run On Save Extension not running

In order to see the console output, you have to be in the Output tab and select the Run On Save option in the dropdown. The extension was created before the integrated terminal existed and hasn't seen a major update in a while.

enter image description here

Regarding the comment that was added to your config:

// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.

is unrelated to this particular extension. It is just vscode letting you know the purpose of the workspace level configuration. It allows you to override a subset of your more global user / default settings. This allows you to keep reasonable default preferences but to customize certain specific things in any given workspace.

Regarding the original RunOnSave extension, feel free to file an issue here if you have any questions or problems. I would also welcome pull requests if anyone is interested.

I had the exact same issue. I removed that extension and am using this one instead:

It is a fork based on RunOnSave. This one works for me when I set its configuration in my user settings and then run the command "Save and Run: Enable".

This one uses the bulit-in powershell terminal.