Visual Studio disable spelling check
Cory - This will disable syntax highlighting.
This is probably an extension you have installed. You needs to disable it in the extensions manager or configure it not to check spelling.
For example in my install spell checking is provided by Visual Assist. If I disable this extension then the squigglies in comments go away.
Had this problem in Visual Studio 2019. Turned out it was my Resharper extension. Extensions->Resparper->Options->Tools->Respeller->Enable Respeller (uncheck)
I'm fairly certain VS2010 doesn't have a built in spell-checker, however, the C/C++ options contain IntelliSense which can cause "red squiggles." Here's how to disable those:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced
Under "IntelliSense" will be an option called "Disable Squiggles." Set it to true.
In the Visual Assist X Options dialog on the Underlines
page, uncheck the "Underline spelling errors in comments and strings" option.