Visualizing only the chain of a protein and color each residue in Mathematica


The documentation page for PDB files includes this example:

residuecoords = Import["\
  pdb&compression=NO&structureId=1tf6", {"PDB", "ResidueCoordinates"}]

which appears to net me a matrix with 8 parts (and there are 8 chain labels as well {A, A, B, C, D, D, E, F}). The duplicate chain labels appear to be just a string of 6 Zn atoms. I don't know enough about proteins to tell whether they matter or not. If we select out just one of these chains (the first one, let's say) I get a list of 179 components. Each member of this list appears to be a ragged list. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that they correspond to the individual atoms (excluding hydrogen) within each residue.

I don't know how you want this done since your question doesn't provide any specifics. To get a simple representation, my first thought would be to only take average the coordinates together to get a "centre of mass" for each residue. This may be a dumb way to do it, I'm not sure what the standard way of displaying this is.

    BezierCurve[Mean /@ residuecoords[[1]]]
  Boxed -> False

Single chain of residuecoords.

  Table[{ColorData["Rainbow"][1 - (i - 1)/7],
    BezierCurve[Mean /@ residuecoords[[i]]]}, {i, 8}]
 Boxed -> False

All chains from residuecoords.

This looks like there's strands of DNA running through it or something. So this may not be exactly what you were looking for. I think this process should work for whatever PDB file you have in mind, but without an example I can't say for sure.


You can display either a single chain, or all of the chains with their own colours using this:

pd = ProteinData["SERPINA3", "AtomPositions", "Chain"];
  Boxed -> False
        ColorData["Rainbow"][1 - ((i - 1)/(Length[pd] - 1))], 
      {i, Length[pd]}
  Boxed -> False

First chain of SERPINA3.

All 3 chains of SERPINA3.

This is only a partial answer - I couldn't figure out how to change the residue colors in the ordinary cartoon representation. (Your task would be much more easily accomplished with a PyMol or Chimera script...)

Here is the protein of interest (thioredoxin protein DsbA), with two chains.


enter image description here

The PDB Import functionality seems limited, but you can edit the PDB file yourself. If you inspect it in a text editor, you'll see lines for each atom - for example these are the first two residues (14 atoms) in chain A.

ATOM      1  N   ALA A   1      42.245  65.338  32.925  1.00 61.29           N
ATOM      2  CA  ALA A   1      42.705  63.922  32.842  1.00 58.17           C
ATOM      3  C   ALA A   1      44.209  63.858  32.613  1.00 56.30           C  
ATOM      4  O   ALA A   1      44.933  63.194  33.358  1.00 56.39           O  
ATOM      5  CB  ALA A   1      41.970  63.194  31.720  1.00 57.01           C  
ATOM      6  N   GLN A   2      44.671  64.558  31.582  1.00 53.39           N  
ATOM      7  CA  GLN A   2      46.087  64.589  31.239  1.00 51.93           C  
ATOM      8  C   GLN A   2      46.882  65.379  32.276  1.00 49.44           C  
ATOM      9  O   GLN A   2      48.056  65.096  32.515  1.00 47.68           O  
ATOM     10  CB  GLN A   2      46.272  65.198  29.847  1.00 52.78           C  
ATOM     11  CG  GLN A   2      47.666  65.026  29.260  1.00 53.49           C  
ATOM     12  CD  GLN A   2      47.765  65.533  27.832  1.00 54.95           C  
ATOM     13  OE1 GLN A   2      46.799  65.476  27.070  1.00 54.99           O  
ATOM     14  NE2 GLN A   2      48.939  66.031  27.461  1.00 54.93           N 

You can remove the lines for chains you don't want using a pattern matching method of your choice. For example, if you want to only see chain B,

test = ReadList["1a2M.pdb", String];
chain = "B";
newpdb = Select[test, 
     RegularExpression["^ATOM\\s+\\d+\\s+\\S+\\s+[A-Z]{3}\\s[^" <> chain <> "].+$"]] &];
Export["newpdb.pdb", newpdb, "Text"];

enter image description here

If you want to plot the residue positions yourself, you can extract the alpha carbon coordinates from a single chain:

residuecoords = Import["1a2M.pdb", {"PDB", "ResidueCoordinates"}];
roles = Import["1a2M.pdb", {"PDB", "ResidueRoles"}];
atoms = Import["1a2M.pdb", {"PDB", "ResidueAtoms"}];

chain = 1;
alphac = Flatten[Table[
      If[atoms[[chain, n, i]] == "C" && 
        roles[[chain, n, i]] == "\[Alpha]", 
       residuecoords[[chain, n, i]], 0],
      {i, Length[atoms[[chain, n]]]}],
     {_, _, _}],
    {n, Length[residuecoords[[chain]]]}], 1];

Graphics3D[{Thick, Line@alphac}]

enter image description here