vscode key binding for "goto next search result on the search results pane"?

If you are planning to rebind F4 and Shift-F4 to different keys, please note that there are multiple actions bound to those keys. For consistent behaviour, you may wish to rebind them all.

{ "key": "f4",         "command": "goToNextReferenceFromEmbeddedEditor",       "when": "inReferenceSearchEditor"  },
{ "key": "shift+f4",   "command": "goToPreviousReferenceFromEmbeddedEditor",   "when": "inReferenceSearchEditor"  },
{ "key": "f4",         "command": "search.action.focusNextSearchResult",       "when": "hasSearchResult"          },
{ "key": "shift+f4",   "command": "search.action.focusPreviousSearchResult",   "when": "hasSearchResult"          },
{ "key": "f4",         "command": "goToNextReference",                         "when": "referenceSearchVisible"   },
{ "key": "shift+f4",   "command": "goToPreviousReference",                     "when": "referenceSearchVisible"   },
{ "key": "f4",         "command": "references-view.next",                      "when": "reference-list.hasResult" },
{ "key": "shift+f4",   "command": "references-view.prev",                      "when": "reference-list.hasResult" },

In case VSCode has added any new keybinds since this answer, I recommend you open the Keyboard Shortcuts window and search for Shift+F4 there.

New in version 1.9.0

Execute search.action.focusNextSearchResult (F4)

and search.action.focusPreviousSearchResult (CTRL+F4)

Original answer

Unfortunately there is currently no command to go to the next entry in the search result pane. As a workaround you can execute workbench.view.search (by default* bound to CTRL+Shift+f) and navigate to the next item via and select it with ENTER.

When you have executed actions.find (by default bound to Shift+f) in order to find text in the current file only, then you can use the editor.action.nextMatchFindAction command which is usually bound to F3. Its default binding is declared like this:

  "key": "f3",                    "command": "editor.action.nextMatchFindAction",
                                  "when": "editorFocus" 

The default shortcuts are based on the Windows version of VSCode

This is now supported.

  • F4 next search result
  • Shift + F4 previous search result