VSCode prevent file Explorer from jumping

As commented in issue 23902 (Option to keep file selected in sidebar without forcing a scroll)

  • If set autoReveal to true, the jumping inside file explorer is confusing;
  • If set autoReveal to false, I have to use showActiveFileInExplorer keybinding or right click menu every time when switch between tabs

But with VSCode 1.46 (May 2020) you now have:

Explorer auto reveal focus without forcing a scroll

There is a new option focusNoScroll for the explorer.autoReveal setting.

When using this option, the Explorer will automatically select files when opening them but will not scroll to reveal them in the Explorer view.

This behaviour is controlled by the following setting:

"explorer.autoReveal": false

There is currently no setting for keeping the selected file in the explorer, but this one at least keeps the scroll position fixed and prevents the "jumping".


In current versions, the same setting now keeps the selected file.

After you apply "explorer.autoReveal": false, as mentioned above, you can also set up

a shortcut to force show the current file in Explorer:

{ "key": "cmd+e", "command": "workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer" }