Vue.js 2.0 router link in a div component

Well, router-link has a tag prop. You're looking for this:

<router-link to="home" tag="div">Home</router-link>

The Vue Way

If you want <router-link> to render as another tag, in your case div, you can use tag prop to specify which tag to render to, and it will still listen to click events for navigation.

<router-link to="home" tag="div">Home</router-link>

You can also do this via one of pure HTML ways:

Way 1

<a href="/home">

Way 2

<div style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="window.location='/home';">

You can also modify second way in vue way as following:

<div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="redirectToHome">

where you can define redirectToHome method as following:

methods: {
  redirectToHome () {
          path: '/home',

Vue.js 3

Disclaimer: the question is about Vue.js 2. I saw that.

  • tag attribute is no more

Instead, do a v-slot such as:

<router-link to="/about" custom v-slot="{ navigate }">
  <div role="link" @click="navigate">test</div>
  • custom prevents the creation of an a element
  • navigate is the function provided for the div, to activate navigation
  • role="link" is accessibility stuff (you could omit it), but can also be used for CSS'ing the hand mouse cursor


[role="link"]:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

One could also just let the a remain, since browsers are now better at dealing with a display:block a, but that's another story.