Vulnerable OS's?

There is quite a lot of them:

  • Metasploitable: Currently there are 2 versions.
  • Kioptrix: Currently 4 challenges.
  • Hackademic: Apparently 2 VM, check 1 and 2.
  • pWnOS: Currently 2 challenges.

Standalone which you can install directly without VM, this is to hone your Webattack-Fu:

  • OWASP WebGoat
  • Damn Vulnerable Web Application
  • Mutillidae

There's a couple of good ones in addition to DVL, that I've come across

  • Metasploitable is designed for testing out some of Metasploits functionality. There's some good information on using it in the free Metasploit Unleashed course.
  • There's also DVWA from a web applications perspective


Another good list I came across on a blog recently, has quite a few potential vulnerable apps

  • Pentest lab vulnerable servers-applications list

I'd suggest in additiona to HamZa DzCyberDeV's answer:

Pentester Labs exercises which are full VMs as well as full detailed walkthroughs etc. These are great for all skill levels and i've found them most useful.