Walk the labyrinth

Snails, 34 bytes



        \1 r |
        \x ud |
        \X aa7
    (\* | \x ud =\x)

For a path that takes N steps, the program finds one successful match for each traversal of 0 steps, 1 steps, ..., N - 1 steps.

Haskell, 68 66 65 bytes


Function # takes both lines as separate parameters. Usage example: "1x1x" # "***X" -> 3.

We just have to count the stars * we step on plus 1 for leaving.

(a:b)#l@(c:d)             -- bind: a -> first char of first line
                                   b -> rest of first line
                                   l -> whole second line
                                   c -> first char of second line (never used)
                                   d -> rest of second line
   |a < '+' = 1+b#d       -- stepped on a *, so add 1 and go on
   |a > 'w' = l#('*':b)   -- x switches lines and replaces the x with *
   |a > 'W' = d#b         -- X switch lines and go on
   |1<2     = b#d         -- the rest (-> 1) simply walks forward
_#_=1                     -- base case: the empty string counts 1 for leaving

Edit: @feersum saved a byte. Thanks!

JavaScript (ES6), 119

`,l=[...l+' '];for(n=p=0;(c=l[p%=2*z])>' ';p+=c>'X'?z:c>'1'?z+1:c>'0'?1:(++n,1))l[p]='*';return-~n}

Less golfed

  l=[...l+' '];
  for( n = p = 0; 
       (c=l[p%=2*z])>' '; 
       p += c>'X' ? z : c>'1' ? z+1 : c>'0'? 1 : (++n,1) )
    l[p] = '*';
  return 1+n


`,l=[...l+' '];for(n=p=0;(c=l[p%=2*z])>' ';p+=c>'X'?z:c>'1'?z+1:c>'0'?1:(++n,1))l[p]='*';return-~n}

  var i=t[0],k=t[1],r=f(i) 
  console.log('Test result '+r+(r==k?' OK ':' KO (expected '+k+')')+'\n'+i)