We do tower hopping

Haskell, 70 58 bytes

f(x:s)=minimum[1+f(drop k$x:s)|k<-[1..x]]

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EDIT: -12 bytes thanks to @Esolanging Fruit and the OP for deciding to allow infinity!

Returns Infinity when there is no solution which makes the solution a lot simpler. Since we can only move forwards f just looks at the head of the list and drops 1<=k<=x items from the list and recurs. Then we just add 1 to each solution the recursive calls found and take the minimum. If the head is 0 the result will be infinity (since we cannot move there is no solution). Since 1+Infinity==Infinity this result will be carried back to the callers. If the list is empty that means we have left the array so we return a cost of 0.

Husk, 9 bytes


Returns Inf when no solution exists. Try it online!


Husk's default return values come in handy here.

Γö→▼Mo₀↓ŀ  Implicit input: a list, say [2,3,1,1]
Γ          Deconstruct into head H = 2 and tail T = [3,1,1]
 ö         and feed them into this function:
        ŀ   Range from 0 to H-1: [0,1]
    Mo      For each element in range,
       ↓    drop that many element from T: [[3,1,1],[1,1]]
      ₀     and call this function recursively on the result: [1,2]
   ▼        Take minimum of the results: 2
  →         and increment: 3

If the input list is empty, then Γ cannot deconstruct it, so it returns the default integer value, 0. If the first element is 0, then the result of Mo₀↓ŀ is an empty list, on which returns infinity.

Python 2, 124 bytes

def f(a):
 for j in range(l):
	for q in{0}|i:
	 if q<l:i|=set(range(q-a[q],q-~a[q]))
	 if max(i)/l:return-~j

Try it online!

-11 bytes thanks to Mr. Xcoder
-12 bytes thanks to Mr. Xcoder and Rod