Web api access controller method from another controller method

When request comes, only controller which should process request is instantiated automatically. You can instantiate second controller manually, but I would recommend to move MethodA functionality either to base controller class

public class BaseController : ApiController
   // ...

   public IHttpActionResult MethodA(int id)
       var foo = repository.Get(id);
       if (foo == null)
           return NotFound();

       return Ok(foo);

public class ControllerA : BaseController

public class ControllerB : BaseController
   public IHttpActionResult MethodB(int id)
       var result = MethodA();

or move common logic to separate class (e.g. service), so you would be able to call it from both controllers.

public class ControllerA : ApiController
   private IFooService fooService;

   public ControllerA(IFooService fooService)
       this.fooService = fooService;

   public IHttpActionResult MethodA(int id)
      // use fooService.Method()

public class ControllerB : ApiController
   private IFooService fooService;

   public ControllerB(IFooService fooService)
       this.fooService = fooService;

   public IHttpActionResult MethodB(int id)
        // use fooService.Method()

I would consider using a common base class for the two controllers (if there is a method you want to use on both)

for example

public abstract class MyBaseController
    public void CommonMethod()
        // Do something here

then use them like

public class ControllerA : MyBaseController
    public void MethodA()

        // Do something else

public class ControllerB : MyBaseController
    public void MethodB()

        // Do Something else

1) You can use static class and static method inside to share it for another controllers

public static class CommonMethods
    public static string SomeMethod(string s)
        string RetString;
        return (RetString);

Now you can use it in any controllers

string SomeMethodResult = CommonMethods.SomeMethod("Say Hello");

2) And another method is to create an instance of a controller class and call instances methods:

public class V1Controller : ApiController
        public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
            HomeController hc = new HomeController();