Wget error bash Windows Subsystem for Linux

I just came across the issue myself and in my case the .wget-hsts file was group and world writeable. I've just limited it to be user writable and the error vanished:


-rw-rw-rw-  1 matthias matthias  165 Mar 13 13:57 .wget-hsts


-rw-r--r--  1 matthias matthias  165 Mar 13 13:57 .wget-hsts

HSTS is an optional security measurement on top on HTTPS. As the HTTPS connection itself works and the file has been downloaded this seems to be rather a warning than an error. Therefore I see three options:

  1. Disable HSTS on each call using the wget option --no-hsts
  2. Try to create a file in /home/atul/.wget-hsts with the appropriate permissions and try if wget makes use of this file
  3. Just ignore this warning