What are the hex values of the Google logo colors?
It varies a bit, since the logo is shaded/antialiased, but these values are pretty close:
- Blue: #0266C8
- Red: #F90101
- Yellow: #F2B50F
- Green: #00933B
I see here: https://sites.google.com/site/studentchromebook/event-resources-and-calendar/event-planning-print-materials
- Pantone: C 300 U 3005
- CMYK C: 100 44 0 0
- CMYK U: 100 34 0 2
- Hex: 3369E8
- RGB: 51 105 232
- Pantone: C 199 U 199
- CMYK: 0 100 62 0
- Hex: D50F25
- RGB: 213 15 37
- Pantone: C 123 U 109
- CMYK C: 0 24 94 0
- CMYK U: 0 16 100 0
- Hex: EEB211
- RGB: 238 178 17
- Pantone: C 362 U 362
- CMYK: 70 0 100 9
- Hex: 009925
- RGB: 0 153 37
Gray (Secondary)
- Pantone: C 403 U 403
- CMYK: 0 0 0 65
- Hex: 666666
- RGB: 102 102 102
This isn't very easy as there are MANY shades in there.
I am getting -
G - Light - #73A2EF Dark - #082463
O - Light - #FF7563 Dark - #AD1400
O - Light - #FFEF08 Dark - #AD8600
G - Light - #73A2EF Dark - #103484
L - Light - #5ACB5A Dark - #085108
E - Light - #FF7563 Dark - #AD1400
(As there are many shades, this is going from the lightest to the darkest that I can find.)