What happened to the python bindings for CGAL?

CGAL-Python has been inert for over a year but the code (available through the "Download" link) seems to work fine, though not with Python 3.

You may also be interested in the GEOS library, which is available in Python through Shapely and the GEOS API included in GeoDjango.

A rewrite of the CGAL-Python bindings has been done as part of the cgal-bindings project. Check it out : http://code.google.com/p/cgal-bindings/

Bindings for CGAL are inherently difficult. Because the library is heavily template based there's a combinatorial explosion of possible ways to use it. Any binding would need to pick and choose what to include.

However: Python package demakein (which I wrote), includes a module to compile C++ snippets on the fly then load them with cffi. The code snippets are cached to make subsequent runs faster. There's code in there that wraps up the parts of CGAL I needed, these are probably different to what you need but should give you an idea of how to use it. It can be used with CPython or PyPy, on Linux or OS X.