What happens in a double delete?

It causes undefined behaviour. Anything can happen. In practice, a runtime crash is probably what I'd expect.

It's undefined behavior, so the actual result will vary depending on the compiler & runtime environment.

In most cases, the compiler won't notice. In many, if not most, cases, the runtime memory management library will crash.

Under the hood, any memory manager has to maintain some metadata about each block of data it allocates, in a way that allows it to look up the metadata from the pointer that malloc/new returned. Typically this takes the form of a structure at fixed offset before the allocated block. This structure can contain a "magic number" -- a constant that is unlikely to occur by pure chance. If the memory manager sees the magic number in the expected place, it knows that the pointer provided to free/delete is most likely valid. If it doesn't see the magic number, or if it sees a different number that means "this pointer was recently freed", it can either silently ignore the free request, or it can print a helpful message and abort. Either is legal under the spec, and there are pro/con arguments to either approach.

If the memory manager doesn't keep a magic number in the metadata block, or doesn't otherwise check the sanity of the metadata, then anything can happen. Depending on how the memory manager is implemented, the result is most likely a crash without a helpful message, either immediately in the memory manager logic, somewhat later the next time the memory manager tries to allocate or free memory, or much later and far away when two different parts of the program each think they have ownership of the same chunk of memory.

Let's try it. Turn your code into a complete program in so.cpp:

class Obj
    int x;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    Obj *op = new Obj;
    Obj *op2 = op;
    delete op;
    delete op2;

    return 0;

Compile it (I'm using gcc 4.2.1 on OSX 10.6.8, but YMMV):

russell@Silverback ~: g++ so.cpp

Run it:

russell@Silverback ~: ./a.out
a.out(1965) malloc: *** error for object 0x100100080: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap

Lookie there, the gcc runtime actually detects that it was a double delete and is fairly helpful before it crashes.

Undefined behavior. There are no guarantees whatsoever made by the standard. Probably your operating system makes some guarantees, like "you won't corrupt another process", but that doesn't help your program very much.

Your program could crash. Your data could be corrupted. The direct deposit of your next paycheck could instead take 5 million dollars out of your account.