What is the correct terminology for a "non-AJAX" request?
I am using the term page request.
The problem is that there is no natural opposite of an AJAX request so it's impossible to find a name for it. An AJAX request is a very specific kind of HTTP request as a dog is a very specific mammal. What's the opposite of a dog? Certainly not a mammal. Accordingly, "http request" is certainly not a good answer to your question.
I tried to find a common property for the non-AJAX requests that I had to refer to. In contrast to the AJAX requests that load some data or part of a web page, the other requests were all associated with a certain web page and loaded the whole page (or at least a scaffold), thus the name. Apparently there can be other requests being neither a page request nor an AJAX request, e.g., an HTTP request loading a stylesheet or script.
In the spirit of Java's "POJO" (Plain Old Java Object), I humbly propose "POPR" - Plain Old Page Request.
Ajax stands for asynchronous calls ... so, non-Ajax I would say synchronous method.