What is the difference between chain and chain.from_iterable in itertools?

I could not find any valid example ... where I can see the difference between them [chain and chain.from_iterable] and why to choose one over the other

The accepted answer is thorough. For those seeking a quick application, consider flattening several lists:

list(itertools.chain(["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e"], ["f"]))
# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

You may wish to reuse these lists later, so you make an iterable of lists:

iterable = (["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e"], ["f"])


However, passing in an iterable to chain gives an unflattened result:

# [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], ['f']]

Why? You passed in one item (a tuple). chain needs each list separately.


When possible, you can unpack an iterable:

# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

More generally, use .from_iterable (as it also works with infinite iterators):

# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

g = itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.cycle(iterable))
# "a"

The first takes 0 or more arguments, each an iterable, the second one takes one argument which is expected to produce the iterables:

from itertools import chain

chain(list1, list2, list3)

iterables = [list1, list2, list3]

but iterables can be any iterator that yields the iterables:

def gen_iterables():
    for i in range(10):
        yield range(i)


Using the second form is usually a case of convenience, but because it loops over the input iterables lazily, it is also the only way you can chain an infinite number of finite iterators:

def gen_iterables():
    while True:
        for i in range(5, 10):
            yield range(i)


The above example will give you a iterable that yields a cyclic pattern of numbers that will never stop, but will never consume more memory than what a single range() call requires.

Extending @martijn-pieters answer

Although the access to the inner items in the iterable remains the same, and implementation wise,

  • itertools_chain_from_iterable (i.e. chain.from_iterable in Python) and
  • chain_new (i.e. chain in Python)

in the CPython implementation, are both duck-types of chain_new_internal

Are there any optimization benefits from using chain.from_iterable(x), where x is an iterable of iterable; and the main purpose is to ultimately consume the flatten list of items?

We can try benchmarking it with:

import random
from itertools import chain
from functools import wraps
from time import time

from tqdm import tqdm

def timing(f):
    def wrap(*args, **kw):
        ts = time()
        result = f(*args, **kw)
        te = time()
        print('func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % (f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts))
        return result
    return wrap

def generate_nm(m, n):
    # Creates m generators of m integers between range 0 to n.
    yield iter(random.sample(range(n), n) for _ in range(m))

def chain_star(x):
    # Stores an iterable that will unpack and flatten the list of list.
    chain_x = chain(*x)
    # Consumes the items in the flatten iterable.
    for i in chain_x:

def chain_from_iterable(x):
    # Stores an iterable that will unpack and flatten the list of list.
    chain_x = chain.from_iterable(x)
    # Consumes the items in the flatten iterable.
    for i in chain_x:

def versus(f, n, m):
  f(generate_nm(n, m))

P/S: Benchmark running... Waiting for the results.


chain_star, m=1000, n=1000

for _ in range(10):
    versus(chain_star, 1000, 1000)


func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6494 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6603 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6367 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6350 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6296 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6399 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6341 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6381 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6343 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6309 sec

chain_from_iterable, m=1000, n=1000

for _ in range(10):
    versus(chain_from_iterable, 1000, 1000)


func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6416 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6315 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6535 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6334 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6327 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6471 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6426 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6287 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6353 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 1000, 1000), {}] took: 0.6297 sec

chain_star, m=10000, n=1000

func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2659 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2966 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2953 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3141 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2802 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2799 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2848 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3299 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2730 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3052 sec

chain_from_iterable, m=10000, n=1000

func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3129 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3064 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.3071 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2660 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2837 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2877 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2756 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2939 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2715 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 10000, 1000), {}] took: 6.2877 sec

chain_star, m=100000, n=1000

func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7874 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 63.3744 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.5584 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 63.3745 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7982 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 63.4054 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.6769 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.6476 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 63.7397 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.8980 sec

chain_from_iterable, m=100000, n=1000

for _ in range(10):
    versus(chain_from_iterable, 100000, 1000)


func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7227 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7717 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7159 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7569 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7906 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.6211 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.7294 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.8260 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.8356 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 100000, 1000), {}] took: 62.9738 sec

chain_star, m=500000, n=1000

for _ in range(3):
    versus(chain_from_iterable, 500000, 1000)


func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 314.5671 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 313.9270 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_star at 0x7f5c7188ef28>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 313.8992 sec

chain_from_iterable, m=500000, n=1000

for _ in range(3):
    versus(chain_from_iterable, 500000, 1000)


func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 313.8301 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 313.8104 sec
func:'versus' args:[(<function chain_from_iterable at 0x7f5c7188eb70>, 500000, 1000), {}] took: 313.9440 sec

They do very similar things. For small number of iterables itertools.chain(*iterables) and itertools.chain.from_iterable(iterables) perform similarly.

The key advantage of from_iterables lies in the ability to handle large (potentially infinite) number of iterables since all of them need not be available at the time of the call.