What is the difference between gVim and gVim easy?
gVim-Easy, which is installed with gVim, has all the functionality of normal gVim but lacks modes. This is especially useful for begginers and people who do not want to, or do not have the time to, learn how to use gVim. Users can benefit from gVim's superior syntax highlighting and auto-indentation while not having to have to learn the, often deemed complex, command set of gVim in order to edit a simple document. It is recommended that readers of this tutorial at least try to learn how to use gVim in normal mode, the learning curve is steep, but, the benefits in speed and usability this confers is worth the investment.
Read here
Gvim easy is started and locked in insert-mode (every character you type is printed like a simple notepad).
Standard gvim starts in normal mode and you have to toggle between normal/insert like all other vim.
From help:
Easy mode. Implied for |evim| and |eview|. Starts with
'insertmode' set and behaves like a click-and-type editor.
This sources the script $VIMRUNTIME/evim.vim. Mappings are
set up to work like most click-and-type editors, see
|evim-keys|. The GUI is started when available.
{not in Vi}