What is the eclipse shortcut for auto-generating a default and field constructor?
Type the first letter of your class, then press Ctrl+Space, Eclipse will list suggestions within a combobox. The topmost suggestion is the default constructor. Press Enter, it will be done. (I'm using Eclipse Juno and it works.)
Goto Source ---> Generate constructor using Fields
Under Source Title bar, select the Generate constructor using Fields option.
which displays the various suggestions possible, from there you can go for the default contructor.
Ways to Generate default Constructor -
1) Press Ctl + Space
Ways to Generate field Constructor -
1) Press Alt + Shift + S + O
2) Right click -> Source -> Generate Constructor using field
3) Go to Source menu -> Generate Constructor using field
4) Go to Windows menu -> Preferences -> General -> Keys (Write Generate Constructor using field on text field)
Alt+Shift+s and then o opens the Generate Constructor using Fields