What is the longest legal statement block you can make with only C# keywords?

For 6:

new protected internal unsafe virtual decimal Foo() {...}

Edit for 7:

new protected internal unsafe virtual extern decimal Foo();

If we allow brackets and braces...

(edited the "lock", "new object()", "as" and "string" were contributed by others; see comments)

decimal Bar() {
    lock (new object() as string) {
        if (true) {
            checked {
                unsafe {
                    try {
                        do {
                            return default(decimal);
                            unchecked {break;}
                        } while (false);
                    catch { throw; }
                    finally { }

I guess it's infinite:

return null as string as string as string as string as string....

Here is another case that can be as long as you wish:

do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do // ...
while(x) while(x) while(x) while(x) while(x) // ...

With contextual keywords you can also have

await await await await await await await // ...


