What is the most elegant way in Ruby to remove a parameter from a URL?
Maybe a little off-topic, but for anyone who's attempting to do this in the context of a rails app you can simply do:
N.B. Tested in rails v2.3.9.
I prefer to use:
require 'addressable/uri'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('http://example.com/path?param1=one¶m2=2¶m3=something3')
params = uri.query_values #=> {"param1"=>"one", "param2"=>"2", "param3"=>"something3"}
params.delete('param1') #=> "one"
uri.query_values = params #=> {"param2"=>"2", "param3"=>"something3"}
uri.to_s #=> "http://example.com/path?param2=2¶m3=something3"