What is the optimal way to create a recombined version of two lists?
I would do it like this
RandomChoice /@ Transpose[{l1, l2}]
In this case, Thread
is more efficient than Transpose
$HistoryLength = 0;
Using longer lists to extend the timing.
l1 = CharacterRange["a", "z"] // ToExpression;
l2 = Range[Length[l1]];
With Table
table = RepeatedTiming[
Table[RandomChoice[{l1[[n]], l2[[n]]}], {n, Length[l1]}]]
(* {0.0000481, {1, 2, 3, d, e, f, g, h, i, 10, 11, l, 13, 14, o, 16, q, 18, 19,
t, 21, v, 23, x, y, z}} *)
With Transpose
transpose = RepeatedTiming[RandomChoice /@ Transpose[{l1, l2}]]
(* {0.000026, {1, 2, 3, d, e, f, g, h, i, 10, 11, l, 13, n, o, 16, q, 18, 19, t,
21, v, 23, x, y, z}} *)
With Thread
thread = RepeatedTiming[RandomChoice /@ Thread[{l1, l2}]]
(* {0.000019, {1, 2, 3, d, e, f, g, h, i, 10, 11, l, 13, n, o, 16, q, 18, 19, t,
21, v, 23, x, y, z}} *)
Comparing the timings:
(First /@ {table, transpose, thread})/table[[1]]
{1.00, 0.54, 0.39}