What is the point of "static new" modifier for a function?
That applies only for external callers. Remember that you can call a static method of the base class, so something like this is valid:
class Foo
public static void Do() { Console.WriteLine("Foo.Do"); }
class Bar : Foo // :Foo added
public static void Something()
This is why the warning tells you to put the new, you want to avoid any confusion when doing this:
class Foo
public static void Do() { Console.WriteLine("Foo.Do"); }
class Bar : Foo // :Foo added
public static void Something()
public static new void Do() { Console.WriteLine("Bar.Do"); }
have a look at this
public class BaseC { public static int x = 55; public static int y = 22; } public class DerivedC : BaseC { // Hide field 'x'. new public static int x = 100; static void Main() { // Display the new value of x: Console.WriteLine(x); // Display the hidden value of x: Console.WriteLine(BaseC.x); // Display the unhidden member y: Console.WriteLine(y); } } /* Output: 100 55 22 */
Your example, to make it clear, should be
public class Foo
public static void Do() {}
public class Bar :Foo
public new static void Do() {}
If you remove the new from your code you get:
warning CS0108: 'Bar.Do()' hides inherited member 'Foo.Do()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
The C# compiler just warns you that you might be doing something you did not intend and asks you to insert the new keyword to confirm that you know what you are doing. Besides suppressing the warning, it has no other effects.