What's a simple "colour picker" app for GNOME?


That's strange that you couldn't install gpick, as I get the following :

apt-cache search gpick
gpick - advanced GTK+ color picker

I suppose it could be in a source that you currently don't have enabled..

To pick a colour, launch Gpick, lcick on the swatch, and then press space when your mouse hovers over the colour you want to record.

enter image description here


That being said for simple colour picking I prefer gcolor2 - Nice and simple to use and should do exactly what you require.

You can install it with following command:

sudo apt-get install gcolor2

I like to use the software agave. It's a simple software that gives your color combinations, and it has a color picker.

sudo apt-get install agave

Worth give it a try!


grabc is as simple as it can get. Spawns a cursor, outputs color on stdout when you click. Pure Unix way.

$ grabc

To install it, run sudo apt install grabc.