What's the best way to draw loop invariants in LaTeX?

Here's one way to do it with TikZ (am I wrong in assuming the arrows are supposed to point at the separators between the boxes?):



\matrix[matrix of nodes,
  draw, % Outer border
  inner sep=0pt,
  minimum width=2cm, % Width of boxes
  text depth=.5ex, % To ensure that lower edges line up correctly
  minimum height=.75cm, % Height of boxes
  $<$ pivot & $\ge$ pivot & ?\\ % The nodes

% Separators
\draw (matrix-1-2.south west) -- (matrix-1-2.north west); 
\draw (matrix-1-3.south west) -- (matrix-1-3.north west);

% Define a style for all arrows, then draw the arrows with nodes
% This can be used to change the thickness or the tips for all arrows at once
\draw [arrowstyle] (matrix-1-1.south west) -- +(-90:0.8) node [anchor=north] {left};
\draw [arrowstyle] (matrix-1-2.south west) -- +(-90:0.8) node [anchor=north] {pivotLocation};
\draw [arrowstyle] (matrix-1-3.south west) -- +(-90:0.8) node [anchor=north] {i};
\draw [arrowstyle] (matrix-1-3.south east) -- +(-90:0.8) node [anchor=north] {right};-


One could come up with similar results with just some TeX:

  \halign{&\vrule\vphantom{$\bigg($}\hbox to 1.5in{\hfil#\hfil}\vrule\cr
    \omit\strut Left&\omit\hidewidth\llap{pivotLocation\qquad}\hidewidth&\omit $i$&\omit\llap{Right}\cr

run it with xelatex or use latex->dvips->ps2pdf

enter image description here


\rnode[lb]{l1}{}\hfill <pivot \hfill\rnode[rb]{r1}{}   & >=pivot &
\rnode[lb]{l3}{}\hfill ? \hfill\rnode[rb]{r3}{}\\\hline
\uput{16mm}[-90](r1){pivot Location}
