What's the shortest contiguous subset of ASCII you need to output the rest?

Unary, N=1

4132527913354820031118363262102424570092493175835499123283719 (4.1325279e+60) bytes

Source code in unary is obviously too large to post here. It can be easily reproduced by typing out (or generating) a file filled with "0"s of the same length as the number of bytes above.

Here is the binary representation:


And the equivalent Brainf**k code (linebreaks for clarity):




EDIT: Golfed out 9.097887e+87 unnecessary characters.

Brainfuck, N=2


24,383 bytes. Uses only - and . (ASCII 45 and 46). Try it here: http://esoteric.sange.fi/brainfuck/impl/interp/i.html. Can probably be parsed as Morse code with the right spaces.

Requires an interpreter adhering to the traditional definition of Brainfuck, which uses an array of (at least) 30,000 byte cells, all initialized to zero.

Unary, N=1

14680262330376163203871465704220787333741951071 bytes

Uses only the '0' byte (ASCII 49).

Golfed about 4.1325279×1060 bytes out of @Comintern's solution. Credit still to him :)

In the original Brainfuck:
