What to do with old laptop screens?
Line the underside of a glass coffee table with them and have some button that will cycle them through screensaver/visualizations and rss feeds.
Mount a camera or cameras in your fridge, and some screens on the outside. Peek into your fridge without opening the door. This kind of applies to anything you want to look into without opening.
Set up a geeky 2-way peephole on your front door. Hang a screen on the door and have a second one where you like, incorporate a couple of cameras for two way door greeting.
Edit to add: Virtual window - set up a camera on the outside somewhere and wall mount the screens, possibly in a decorative window frame.
Aquarium background - find a similar size aquarium and have a tropical undersea backdrop for your fishies. Or the surface of the sun, or some other backdrop to fiddle with their little heads.
If you have the time and money, you could build a portable XBOX 360/Playstation 3, like this guy did.
I would have recommended converting them into a digital picture frame (make a wooden box to go around the screen, setup VNC on the laptop, put up a rolling slideshow, connect to the the laptop via wifi to change the pictures around), but alas, your lappies no longer work.