Wordpress - What tools are available for managing/writing to WordPress?

Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer (WLW) is hands down the best, if you are on Windows. One of the things I love about it is its plugin architecture and how many people have written useful plugins for WLW.

Windows Live Writer for Windows
(source: mikeschinkel.com)


I searched far and wide for an equivalent on the Mac and didn't find a match but came close: Qumana:

Quamana Blog Editor for the Mac OS X
(source: mikeschinkel.com)

Qumana still can't touch WLW because it doesn't strip garbage HTML (like from a Word .doc) like WLW does and it doesn't have a plugin architecture, but I keep hoping... :)

WordPress for iOS

The official WordPress client for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch devices), and supports many of the standard WordPress features.

Is both open source and free to download from the App Store.

MarsEdit is pretty much hands-down the best blog client / WordPress tool for Mac. It's a native OSX desktop app, it's not free but I think it's well worth the money for a multi-client blogging tool.