What tools are there to inspect Flash SWF files?
From what I have been using: here http://www.swftools.org/ is a set of tools for work with SWF files, can be used for data structure analysis. Another one is a tool from HP specifically for scanning vulnerabilities in Flash: http://www.hp.com/go/swfscan (requires registration).
Tools that I have not used: Flare: http://www.nowrap.de/flare.html - there are also links to other tools, and Swfmill http://swfmill.org/ - tool to convert SWF to XML.
- SWFScan for any
- Nemo 440 for AS3, Flex, AIR
- Flare for AS2 (Flasm for disassmebly). These aren't as useful anymore
- There is an IDA Pro plugin for Flash disassembly written by some guy from Microsoft
Also see osflash.org and flashsec.org
Another good tool that I have used successfully in the past is OWASP's SWF Intruder.