What would be the best approach for outlining or dropshadowing a font?

I've been able to achieve a somewhat acceptable "outline" by not only using the "2 SKLabelNode" dropshadow techniques described here, but also by adding three more "drop shadows".

In other words, once you have the bottom dropshadow in place, add three more. One offset toward the top, one offset toward the right, and one offset toward the left — so I have four "drop shadows" underneath, with the main label on top for a total of five SKLabelNodes just to create this outline effect.

In my app, I have to animate this text, so I took it one step further and created a bitmap texture from these five labels and created a single SKSpriteNode from this texture, which allowed me to then delete the five original label nodes, and animate the bitmap version.

It might also be worth noting that by creating a texture from the label nodes, it resulted in a blurry texture, which I fixed by doubling the size of the label nodes before creating the texture, then reducing the size of the generated texture by 50%.

I am attaching an image to show you the result. It may not be the most elegant approach, but it seems to work for my particular situation. Hope this helps!

enter image description here

This is most likely what you are doing, but it works and is simple.

- (SKLabelNode *) makeDropShadowString:(NSString *) myString
    int offSetX = 3;
    int offSetY = 3;

    SKLabelNode *completedString = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Arial"];
    completedString.fontSize = 30.0f;
    completedString.fontColor = [SKColor yellowColor];
    completedString.text = myString;

    SKLabelNode *dropShadow = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Arial"];
    dropShadow.fontSize = 30.0f;
    dropShadow.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
    dropShadow.text = myString;
    dropShadow.zPosition = completedString.zPosition - 1;
    dropShadow.position = CGPointMake(dropShadow.position.x - offSetX, dropShadow.position.y - offSetY);

    [completedString addChild:dropShadow];

    return completedString;

Will try and make outline one as well... but I have a feeling it'll be more tricky... there must be a way to use bitmap fonts .. ??? bmGlyph ...

Since iOS 11 SKLabelNode has attributedText property. You need to specify strokeColor, strokeWidth and don't forget font and foregroundColor.


Sprite Kit